
Have I ganked you?


Macro: Slightly dirty and yellow

As I take more photos, I get fussier about what I consider a good photo.

I have a lot of macro photos; I like to take them. But after going to dozens of some recent ones I took, I just didn’t like them. There were a number of reasons, but one in particular is the focus point: I reject a lot of macro photos due to the focus point.

Macros are especially challenging since it can be incredibly difficult to get the focus point in the right spot. Sometimes you end up focus on the leaf of a flower instead of the center of a flower.

I bring all this up, because the center of this flower isn’t as sharp as I’d like it. That makes it an okay photo, when it might have been a really nice photo.

There are ways to work on this and around it, from what I’m reading, but it still takes practice.


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