Post-processing: The flower and the web
There was a time I thought the best photographers did nothing after they shot a photo, that the developing step was little more than getting the photo off the film and onto paper. I know that’s not true, now. The great photographers in the past, post-processed. They framed and angled and darkened and lightened and zoomed and everything else they could do to get their best photo out of the pictures they had taken.
This post-processing is just part of the process (Please, excuse the redundancy.). Post-processing is photography.
As I’ve mentioned before, Ansel Adams said it best: “You don’t take a photograph, you make it.”

Above is the original photo of The flower and the web. In post-processing, I framed it a little differently, tilted it, and bumped up the highlighting and light to bring out the colors and the webbing. The original is a bit meh. It’s kinda nice, but the final product is a much better photo. The light is softer, the colors more pronounced, and the web is much easier to see. In addition, there are nice lines in the lower corners, leading your eye.
I like this one. Hope you do, too.
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