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GW2: Going for 1000 gold – Is it worth more to salvage?

I know the price of runes and sigils pretty well. Unfortunately, or fortunately if you’re buyer, a lot of people don’t.

This is the price of Carrion Pit Fighter Legs of the Eagle:

And this is the price of the Superior Rune of the Eagle:

Do you have a Black Lion Kit? You should. You get them from dailies, zone completions and other things. Just take your Black Lion Kit to those exotic legs and you’ll have the rune, probably some ecto, a mat or two and maybe even a Glob of Dark Matter for your ascended gear. Throw the rune up on the trading post and you’ve made more money than you would’ve if you’d tried to sell the armor alone.

That’s today’s tip: Be aware of exotic gear you get; it might be worth more to salvage it.

I’m up about 20 gold from yesterday.



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