What’s Kevin Pereira doing now?

One of the very best things about G4TV’s Attack of the Show was the guy standing next to Olivia Munn all those years. In case you’ve forgotten that was a guy named Kevin Pereira. He’s left Attack of the Show and he’s off doing his own projects, now. I wish him the best of luck.
So what’s he doing, now, you might ask?
One of the projects he’s doing appears to be something with redban studio and death squad.tv. Is he a regular host? A guest host? Still not sure. The live stream I saw was Kevin Pereira and Joe Rogan interviewing Nina Hartley. It’s well done, very professional, even a tad clinical and maybe a bit of a cliche. Really, doesn’t it seem like every radio host and streaming host has to interview porn stars, now? Well, that aside, Nina Hartley is an interesting guest.
If you’re wondering what Kevin’s up to, you can catch his stream, here. Not sure how long the link is good for – I just stumbled upon this – but hopefully it will be a regular thing.
Good luck, Kevin.