EA announces Star Wars: The Old Republic is going Free-to-Play in the Fall

Electronic Arts has just thrown in the towel on their innovative, but failing MMO, Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR). Along with their quarterly earnings reports, today, EA announced SWTOR would be free-to-play through level 50 sometime in the fall.
Jeff Hickman, Executive Producer of SWTOR and formerly one of the masterminds of the Mythic disaster Warhammer: Age of Reckoning (WAR), said, “Since launch, we’ve been listening to feedback from our fans and adding new content and refining The Old Republic at a breakneck pace. We believe we are in a position to help improve the service even more, not only by continuing to add new content, but also by expanding the game to many more Star Wars fans, increasing the populations on worlds and the vibrancy of the community.”
Translation: We suck. We’ve totally imbalanced the classes, ala WAR, and pissed off a lot of our player base. We didn’t know what we were doing and thought the answer was to try to copy World of Warcraft’s boring, endgame gear grind. Now, we don’t know what to do, so we’re going F2P and hope that makes some money.
Mr. Hickman continues to pad his stellar resume. Perhaps he can get a job at Bank of America, next. No one cares if you fail there, either.
You can read the sad news here.
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The beginning of the end for SWTOR?
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