Is Vivendi looking to sell its 60% stake in Activision-Blizzard?

If you’re a gamer, its understandable if you’ve missed a little of the business news. Most of it doesn’t affect you, so why should you worry – you have some gaming to do. Some of it does, though, and when it does and it might affect your gaming life, manylaughs will try to report on it.
In this case, according to Reuters, there’s a rumor going around that Activision-Blizzard is on the auction block. You see, though it operates as an independent corporation, Activision-Blizzard really isn’t, because Vivendi owns 60% of Activision-Blizzard’s stock. That means Vivendi calls the shots.
Over the next few days or more, manylaughs will take a look at what this possible sale means to gamers.
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